Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020

I am indebted to my good friend Francois Chesko at the "Banbridge Chronicle" for sending me these wonderful copies. I have original papers he and Alan saved for me. But I could never scan them in as well.  Enjoy

 Rev. Henry Scriven, descended from Jane's older brother, Dr. WBB Scriven. & Curiously also, Bob Evans who would be so fun to ever discover if he is related via Evans ! 

Happy Trails,  Katie

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot of coverage! I had a lot of fun covering your visit, I have to say... Everybody was so excited about you coming over, and about the 200th anniversary of Joseph Scriven's birth... He is a really big deal in Banbridge... on a par with 'Rosie McCann', the lady of unrivalled beauty featured in famous Irish tune 'Star of the County Down', which is all about Banbridge...
