Sunday, October 24, 2010

"SCRIVEN HALL" for Sentimental Sunday

SCRIVEN HALL for our family was in the Santa Cruz, California, mountain Redwoods. Located at the newly created Christian center 'Mt.Hermon'. Jane bought her lot there when the Mt. Hermon Center was about 4 years old.

This 1908 post card Jane mailed home to her son, EWM Evans from Mt. Hermon
"Is not this grand it is near our tents, I wish you could see this lovely place, they are all enjoying it so much, will write Loving Mother
Can you tell that there are 5 women in the picture? 1c postage

Jane's deed from the Recorder's Office in Santa Cruz. There is so much you can learn from your Recorder's office. When someone dies, it is common to find wills - & from foreign countries!!! attached to property deeds. After the death the property- LAND is re-recorded into a relatives name or other & I have found several wills in this way. Many times several relatives are signers on deeds, so that can tell you their actual name, spelling ect. & dates they are still alive, & where they live. Anyone can search at their recorder's office. Usually you can access for free the wonderful old ledgers & most also have microfilms that you can make copies of for a couple of bucks or just digital photo the screen yourself.

Wills are kept at county, Superior Courts. Most all have websites now & you can find info there. or CALL
$20 is average for a search, copies, & mailing or some want a SASE.
This excerpt from Jane's will dated
7th day of November 1911. She died 4th January, 1912.

She died before the fire a few years later, that burns thru Mt. Hermon. If you look at it today it's grown back so you'd never know the damage it did.

It also appears that all these little parcels are where the fire did great damage as they are all gone now.
Lot #19 was Jane's. I love reading the old deeds that say " Gold Coin". I always wonder if they really exchanged gold coins, especially when the amounts are for hundreds of dollars. Today's deeds are not so colorful. Another phrase, I often see when selling to a relative is not " ... Gold Coin" but instead ' ... In or With Love & Affection'.

Happy Trails, Katie

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