May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
May God be with you and bless you;
May you see your children's children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings,
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
And may the hand of a friend always be near.
May green be the grass you walk on,
May blue be the skies above you,
May pure be the joys that surround you,
May true be the hearts that love you.
I'm so out of date on my blog but maybe today I can get myself restarted with this

On this day 12 June, 1860 at St. Ann's Church, City of Dublin
By her Uncle, Rev. Joseph Medlicott, Vicar of Potterne, Wiltshire
Jane Bury Scriven, spinster, of 33 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin
Youngest daughter of John John Scriven, Royal Marine
Edward Kentish Evans, bachelor, Esquire of Amaroe, Parish of Caledon, County Tyrone
Youngest son of Rev. Edward John Evans, Vicar of Rostrevor Church
Witnessed in the presence of W.B.B. Scriven and Henry H. Hamilton
WBB Scriven - William Barclay Browne Scriven - Jane's older brother had wed Sarah Hamilton earlier in 1854.
Edward roughly 28 years old and Jane age 32. Not what we think of as spinster age now. I don't think that even exists anymore!
Their father, Captain John John Scriven, Royal Marine had died in 1850 but I'm sure there were plenty of male relatives around to give away the bride.
Happy Summer, Katie