Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Thanksgiving" Treasure Chest Thursday

Thank you, Governor William Bradford & wife, Alice Richards, my Pilgrim ancestors, for creating this Holiday. I LOVE Turkey and can eat it every day of the year. Odd how my girls don't - so we usually have either Crab or Corned Beef & cabbage. I guess they have more of the Irish blood. Altho' CRAB was plentiful at the time of the Pilgrims. It actually was then considered not a wanted food. Prisoners were fed on crab & lobsters.

I'm so lucky to have my Grandma Alma Cluver's postcard collection. It fills a shoebox size memory box ( A very pretty box she received as a gift from her friends in the "Order of The Eastern Star". This was her woman's Masonic group ) & 3 albums. This card of 1910.
Grandma Alma was Jane's . . . . granddaughter.
I'm constantly looking thru them for different things. And sharing them with family I make contact with. Many postcards of the old years were photographs of the senders.

These photos are from Eric & Alyne Evans Anderson, and their trip to Massachusetts & New Hampshire. Governor Bradford's statue, the Mayflower Society House, & Alyne at the statue of Massasoit 'Chief of the Wampanoags'.

Happy Trails, Katiebird